Developers and owners face a new set of challenges in today's market. But as larger market indicators shift, consumers continue to shop. RUSSELLCO believes that dynamic and well-targeted retail environments are a vibrant and enduring part of the American way. RUSSELLCO has over 25 years of experience working with developers and retailers to build best-in-class shopping experiences, and is an ideal partner to help design and implement real solutions, driving long-term value.
Tier Shift Advisory—The nation's most successful retail environments have created strong identities and lucrative success by mastering the right tenant mix and catering to a specific tier of shopper and shopping experience. However, as consumers reassess their spending habits, landlords and retailers must re-imagine the profile, average spend and character-of-spend of their shoppers—and adjust the rank and position of their existing and future tenants accordingly.
In the industry, RUSSELLCO is without peer for its ability to leverage its previous success, credibility and relationships— assisting properties in navigating tier shift and long term strategy.
New and Existing Lease Negotiations—RUSSELLCO has the proven experience and reputation to assist landlords with new and existing lease negotiations while protecting landlord needs and resolving tenant requirements.
In this redefined leasing market, it is incumbent upon developers and owners to strategically engage newly expanding retailers, as the competition for new tenants has increased. RUSSELLCO's years of relationships, and significant insight into proper merchandising, and proper placement, gives us a unique ability to identify and place quality credit-worthy retailers, that are best-in-class for the appropriate property.
Pre-Development/Expansion Strategies—For those developers currently engaged in launching new projects (or the expansion of existing projects), a strategic leasing and placement strategy that reflects today's market, is of critical importance. RUSSELLCO is uniquely capable of aligning developments with recent market trends, to build lasting value. |